E.Biasi - Wintergärten und Markisen ENG

Willkommen beim Erfinder der Großflächenmarkisen,
Innovations- und Technologieführer


For over 50 years producer of awnings, winter gardens and shadings Wir schaffen für Sie wetterunabhängige Räume zum Leben, Arbeiten und Wohlfühlen

For over 50 years producer of awnings, winter gardens and shadings
years Innovation

The weather is as old as our world. Since the existence of humanity , we have to deal it.

Mostly, we are actually very happy about it, but sometimes unfortunately also angry and sad. Even though, our company is not quite as old as the weather, we also had to deal with it from the beginning ,so that people will be able to enjoy it more often than being sad, angry or mad about it.


We create places in the dry, which stay dry. Places in the shade, which remain shady. The weather can be as terrible as it wants to be.

 In order to keep it that way in future, we build everything ourselves. Our employees do everything-, from technical planning through to production and installation. Do you think that apart from the South Tyrolean weather we would also deal with heat and cloudbursts in Italy, Switzerland Germany as well as the rest of Europe if we did not deliver the latest technology and best quality?

Customer satisfaction is our top priority!

Kundenzufriedenheit als oberste Priorität

«Es gibt nichts Vergleichbares! Die Anschaffung von Biasi-Grossflächenmarkisen ist eine der besten Investitionen, die wir je getätigt haben.»

Thomas Egli Direktor Hotel Hermitage - Luzern